Peter Aansorgh got his text and pictures published in the Finnish motorcycle mag MP Maailma. Same lines, other pictures (from the same photoshoot), and a very very different language. Try to translate ... and fail. But still fun to see, and guess what's written.

Click the picture for an enlarged view of the first page.


Click the picture for an enlarged view of the second page.

I succeeded to translate "vähemmän on enemmän" with Google. It said: "less is more". So true.

  Click the picture for an enlarged view of the third page.  

Click the picture for an enlarged view of the fourth page.

"Jos näyttely-kapistuksella ei voi ajaa, se ei ansaitse palkintoa" according to Google expresses my opinion on showbikes which are not rideable: "If the exhibition-things can not ride, they do not deserve an award". So very true, in both languages.

  Click the picture for an enlarged view of the fifth page.  
  Click the picture for an enlarged view of the last page.  

MP Maailma drastically modified the original picture on the first page of the article: they completely replaced the surrounding by a gradient and combined it with a tribal sign. Nice job.

But that's not all: the logo on my sweather is gone as well! You might think 'less is more', and I agree, but the editor had another motive. Aim your mouse at the picture to see the original print: it says 'Bomber Magazine'. And that magazine ... happens to be the direct competitor on the Finnish motorcycle magazine market.

  Aim at the picture to view the unwanted detail.  
    Okay, have it their way ;-)