Sabine Welte, motorcycle journalist and photographer, is busy writing a book called 'Mutants'. About twenty extreme (re)built bikes will be in.
Because my bike isn't too easy to shoot, she took her time to find a fitting location.
She decided that the wire drawing factory Brüninghaus was just the perfect place. It's situated in a small town called Altena, in Sauerland (D).

The photoshoot really lowered the productivity on the 18th of October 2005.

The metal wire rolls combined perfectly with the bike. Together with the beautiful autumn day it produced nice pictures. Hour after hour Sabine took photos from the left side ...

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... from the right side ....

Click the picture to enlarge it.

... from the front ....

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... from above ....

Click the picture to enlarge it.

... from below ....

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... a close-up from the grip ....

Click the picture to enlarge it.

... a close-up from the four switches ....

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... a close-up from the back side ....

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... me posing behind the bike ....

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... me posing upon the bike ...

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... and finally: me driving.

Click the picture to enlarge it.

More information about the book: soon on this site!