Dutch Motorcycle magazine 'KicXstart' organized motorcycle event 'Moto AcXtion' for the second time, on the14th and 15th of June 2003. Erwin Hofsté on his CBR1000, me on the CBX. At the Belgium racetrack in Zolder stuntriders AC Farias, Craig Jones and Kevin Carmichael showed what material they were made of. Mick 'NOSfearatu' Hüby was present as well. You see him burning-out on the flyer, the bike leaning over, one handed; just curious how it's done?
"Well, I'll show you". A Buell was chosen as volunteer.
Squeeze the front brake, open the throttle, lean the bike over, show some guts and stick the left hand out. There's no more to it ... obvious.
Like last year a lot of rubber was smoked. Here the Star Twin team's warming up the Duc tyres ...
... burning them 'till they blow.
I presume next day these bikes will have new tyres to regain their showroom condition. "No sir, this bike's like new!".
The stunts were, like last year, spectacular. Here you see Kevin Carmichael burning out vertically.
Far less spectacular was the 'BikeDesign Streetfightershow', put away in a long narrow tent. No breathtaking bikes, a lot of them the same as last year.
This Z1000 looked real good. With a Yoshimura exhaust it must sound real good as well.
I didn't enter the CBX INOX, it stood quietly on the camping site. Well, not quite quietly ;-)
Outside, at the Figthers stand was NOSfearatu, last year's winner. Almost unchanged ...
... except for the brilliant new paint. Actually it isn't paint but black chrome. The logo is sprayed as well.
Moto AcXtion was crowded but far better organised than last year, and worth every cent.
Erwin, me and some guys from the Dutch MAG partied at a huge campfire until the sun came up. We met Wanda and Marc: Wanda is chairman of the Dutch MAG, Marc is a volunteer (who knows so much of my bike that it gave me the creeps).
They suggested to dedicate an article on my bike for their magazine 'Mag-a-zine'. MAG-photographer Katinka took some pictures ... to be continued.