Spring 2000 I lent out my (then brandnew) bike, free of charge, to Dutch exhaust specialist BSM. They put it on their stand at some bike show. It was transported by van; unfortunately they damaged it on the way back. One of the (self-built!) carbon fibre exhaust pipes showed a four inch deep scratch. They immediately promised to either renew or repair the pipe. Despite many telephone calls and e-mails: nothing! This exhaust specialist just left me with the damage. I decided:
1. that BSM sucks;
2. never again to lend my bike to anyone.
What has 'De Noordelijke Motorbeurs' in Groningen to do with this story? Well, Bert Vonderman (Six Center Motoren) asked me to expose my bike at the CBX 1000 Club Holland stand. Fortunately Bert is a professional and well known with bikes. So he got it undamaged, and returned it undamaged. Moral: it ís possible after all.
The bike was put on a platform, a specs sheet in front of it.
Surrounded by 'family'; on the left you see a Mike Hailwood replica.
According to Bert the bike got a lot of attention.
Again some folk had to touch the bike or squeeze the clutch handle. Well, it must be irresistibly tempting.