In their August edition the German streetfighter magazine 'Fighters' promoted a new Dutch meeting called 'Muscle Bike Extravaganza'. Organized by and the Eliminator Club Holland it aimed at 'awsome mean, gigantic, nasty, shocking, extreme and deranged muscle bikes'. Well, that sounded interesting enough to pay a visit.
Click the picture for an enlarged view of the ad.
I started the trip on Thursday 19th of August. From Nijmegen I made a nice ride through Germany, some 250 km. And yes, it rained.
I ended up in a little village called Melderslo, North-Limburg, where there's a campsite exclusively for motorcyclists, called D'n Toerstop.
Due to the disappointing weather the campsite was quite empty; some six or seven bikes were present. But I had a nice meal, some nice beers and equal conversations.
Heavy storm didn't improve my night's rest but in the morning it stopped raining. My sister Cécile arrived at the campsite on her TL1000. Together we rode to the meeting at Tienhoven (south of Utrecht).
We were welcomed by Emile, an organizer of this event and initiator/webhost of They aim especially at Yamaha VMax, Honda X4 and Kawasaki Eliminator, but other brands and types were welcome too.
The organisation hoped to welcome some 1,500 bikes during the weekend. The unstable weather must have kept a lot of bikers in their comfy beds I suppose. Too bad.
A group of nice X4's from Germany showed up though.
A loud group came over the puddle: the Eliminator Riders Great Britain. They were in for some fun and one of them, Dave, used the burn out place over and over again. Day ...
... and night. I suppose his Eliminator had to be eliminated.
Mr. 7/11 came for a short visit on Saturday. His rebuild bike showed its one-off carbon fibre parts. Nice job.
Here he takes a picture of the best bike (well, almost...) at this meeting: the Honda X4 from Mario. (What will the extremists at think of this compromising picture?)
This bike kicks ass: low front, wide tail, mean & green.
Cécile (on the left) was impressed as well; she liked both bike and builder.
My CBX got quite some attention. Although it's not a real muscle bike ('just' 105 BHP), qualifications like 'extreme' and 'deranged' did fit.
On the screen you see my sister sitting in her small tent.
Talking about 'deranged': we met Heleen, Hannie, Rolf and Jan and got along very well. Spent some hours gassing about dolphins, hunters, billberry seekers and ... bikes.
On Sunday (the sun, the sun, finally the sun!) some delayed bikes arrived. Two nice VMax's ( *$#@^!, no pictures!) and this new Kawa Z1300.
Okay, not new: 463 km...!

I'll pay this small-scale meeting a visit next year; it sure was worth a while, no matter 150 or 1,500 bikes.