It's been a while since my last update. I'll illustrate 'what's been going on last year'.
June 2005 we bought a nice cornerhouse near Nijmegen. This sure wasn't planned, but well, you can't plan everything, can you?
One of many reasons to buy this house: a garage!
But before the garage could be used for what it's supposed to, its main function was ... rubbish dump.
The house, built around 1905, needed 'intense attention'. At certain moment the toilet looked like the ones on many bike events. Well, not exactely: this one flushed, and look: toiletpaper!
We took down some walls ...
... and invited some creepy guys in our cellar. Even payed them!
The garden, like the house, needed some cleaning-up. I'm not a gardener and used some unconventional ways to remove tree stumps.
Eventually the garage could be filled with relevant stuff. I bought myself a robust (read: heavy) AI lathe. Its weight lifted the car.
But perseverance pays.
Next machine to buy: a mill, type Mondial Delta Hero. Where to buy these toys? Where else then on the Internet?
So the garage was quickly filled. Luckily there was still some space left for both my bikes. On the left you see what's left of the CBX ...
... because I took it apart to polish all the alloy.
On eBay I bought a new kind of alloy sealer called 'ZoopSeal'. It promises to protect the alloy at least two years from corrosion; I sure hope so.
I did some experiments with dry batteries (thanks to a very useful article in the German magazine Fighters Magazin).
There were some electrical problems with the CBX I couldn't solve. The sparks were too irregular and too weak. So, for the first time ever, I took the CBX too a mechanic, mr. H. van Doorn. He is a Honda specialist and has a bike shop in Andelst.
Is it my imagination or does the CBX look a little uncomfortable?
Mr. van Doorn cleared the problem. One of the main causes turned out to be the spark plug caps which resistance was too high.
I asked my good friend and colleague Henning Waldhauer to join me for a photoshoot of the bike. He took his Nikon, I took my Olympus and we made some nice shots. Why? I had no good pictures from the bike since Stage III.
Click the picture to enlarge it.
Click the picture to enlarge it.
Click the picture to enlarge it.
Click the picture to enlarge it.
Click the picture to enlarge it.
Click the picture to enlarge it.
Last but not least: many ask me about the progress on the V8 bike. Well, I'm working on it, don't worry. You know I don't show my bikes until they're finished. But okay, here's a glimpse.

I'm very sorry for the lousy quality; my camera must be having a focussing problem ;-)