You're probably familiar with the CBX INOX by now.
September 2000 Gerrit Bruggeman made the 'CBX WOOD', based on the first design (with mirrors and six-into-two exhaust).
Two years later I asked French artist Antoine Collignon to draw an impression of my bike.
17th of May 2003 I won the streetfightercompetition at the Rockanje Classic Races. The prize was a unique steel miniature of my bike.
February 2004 Pieter Nijs en Jurriën Gosselink proudly present:

The One and Only 'CBX-INOX LE*'!

* Lego Edition

Made by my nephew Pieter and his friend Jurriën, both Lego experts (or better: addicts, like I was, years ago). Here they pose by their minute piece of art.
Of course I wanted their creation on my site. I had to creep in quite awkward positions to take the pictures below.
Both men totally stripped this website to get all the details right; especially the pages History and Stage III.
Even the numberplate is in authentic yellow and blue.
The proportions are just fine.
Some nice details: the rear lights, the cameras and the (fully functional!) rear suspension.
The exhaust proved to be quite difficult (say no more ...). It was changed it several times before they were satisfied.
Even the indicators and the LCD display are present.
Being 'builders' themselves they uploaded their design at 'LEGO Club Cool Creations', at

Of course you want to know where to buy the CBX-INOX LE. Well, the negotiations are meaty but we'll sure work something out, won't we, boys? ;-)

Click the picture to enlarge the screendump.