November 2015 I built myself a shed for the CBX, and it is the nursery-to-be for the V8.  

To make it a bit cosy I gathered my 2D awards ...


... and my 3D ones.

Although not really an award, one memorable object was missinig: the CBX INOX Lego Edition.

  In 2004 – so more than twelve years ago – my nephew Pieter Nijs and his best friend Jurriën Gosselink built an impression of the CBX with Lego. You might remember my report on it; if not, have a look here.  

It was a work of art, built with a lot of attention to detail.

I took quite some pictures from the bike because I knew it would be disassembled; Jurriën and Pieter couldn't miss the parts because it would've made several Lego cases incomplete.


June 11 2016: my fiftieth birthday. I organized a big party and invited family, neighbours, former students, collegues and bike builders. Summarized: friends.


At certain moment Pieter offered me his gift: Jurriën and he had rebuilt the Lego Edition!

Behind me (with beer) you see Benno Krabbenborg, my friend since childhood. In our youth we played with Lego as well, years and years. History repeats, in a good way.

  This was, of course, a big surprise. Pieter told me he'd asked Jurriën in January to rebuild the Lego Edition for his uncle's birthday.  

They studied pictures from the report, rebuilt the bike with the original parts, and inventoried them. First on paper, and after that in Excel.


In the online Lego shop, called 'Pick a Brick', you can order parts. Like this tiny orange handle bar indicator: 'Element ID 4222960'.


    Just one part. Of many.  

On Pick a Brick they found no less than 354 parts. But that was not all.

Parts that weren't available anymore (remember: they built it twelve years ago!) they found on, like this cylinder. They found other parts on and on the German website, like this rim. And not even that was enough: requests on forums and eBay did the rest. Pure persistence.

    In the night (...) from June 11 to June 12 my brother Godfried edited a movie from the building proces and the handover. Jurriën and Pieter documented their quest by timelapse photography.  


Some screendumps from CBX INOX LE (Lego Edition) 2004 - 2016

Jurriën, on the right.


Building two identical bikes takes quite some concentration. It took me five years to build just one. ;)

  Adding a part: check!  
  I suppose the bike on the left is the new one (as in: mine), the one on the right is the original one, risen like a phoenix from the ashes.  

To protect it from dust, dirt, fingerprints and destruction (read: aunt Kiki), Pieter mounted the bike in a special casing.


His mother, and my sister in law, Barbara, follows the process from a safe distance.

    Spotless from the inside ...  

... immaculate from the outside.


Goosebumps. Need I say more?


Yes: explain the bumps to my party visitors.


Thanks, guys!