May 15, 2011: the bike trip organized by pub 't Fuske at Millingen, a small town nearby. This was the thirteenth time overall and for me the fourth time I joined in. I missed the last one as it was on September 5 2010, the day I made the first test ride on the V8. I think that's a good excuse.

The trip started at the pub (point 'A') and went through Kleve, Goch, Venray and Mill to the lunch point in Grave (point 'B'). Then headed to Uden, Oss, Druten, Nijmegen and back to Millingen.

Many of the pictures in this report were made by co-organizer Frank van Rens.Thanks, Frank.


Talking about organizers: they did a good job. The mimicry reveals that organizing is a serious matter.


The weather forecast was not too good but the day started sunny. About sixty bikes registered.

  The new generation - sturdy dressed - was present too.  

Enjoying your trip is impossible with sixty bikes in a row. So we split up.

On the lower right you see Ennie. She hates to be photographed; is this anonymous enough for you, Ennie?


After splitting up 'my' group consisted of seven bikes. That's a nice number for a pleasant ride. Due to the big diversity we did not really 'put the pedal to the metal': from Hayabusa along Fazer to chopper. Most of them I already knew from previous trips.


Halfway through the ride, after about 110 km, we had a lunch break. A beautiful location at the lock near Grave.


Coffee, tea, soft drinks, sandwiches galore. And a crew in a very good mood ...



... which contradicts with being 'über-cool' ;)


Suddenly the rain came pouring down for the first and last time that day. It went as it came: fast.


Coffee, sandwich, sunshine, bike talk. A good way to spend your average Sunday.


Bikers too think about their 'carbon footprint'. By mounting a soot filter for example. As a sticker, that is.


For bikes who'd brake down a trailer was present.


Talking about soot filters: the local chimney-sweep is a sponsor for this trip.

    Large ships, like this 'Capibara', entered the lock.  

John Verbeet was our guide once again. Here he changes the papers.

I was surprised that there is such a beautiful sound in this BMW: a self-built stainless steel exhaust combined with the absence of the catalyst is music to the ears.


We continued the trip after an hour, direction Uden, Oss and Nijmegen. We didn't follow the roadmap exactly, unless this years theme was ' industrial areas'.


At Megen we crossed the river Maas with a ferry. Quite a coincidence that the ferry had to wait for a ship named 'Capibara'; we weren't even fast enough to overtake a big ship. ;)


Nice weather, good mood.


After the ferry it was time for a short break. Some icecream came along.


After about 230 km we returned to the pub. An apparently happy participant is slumped behind his Coke ...


... after which he enjoyes a perfect BBQ.


During the plenary session the pluses and minuses of the day were thoroughly evaluated. Although: the term 'bullshitting' covers it better.

September 4, I am back on site. Unless the V8 duty calls ...